| Author |
List by 1st line |
Albert Down Under | ME | Albert were what you'd call 'thwarted' |
Many Happy Returns | AdB | Down at the school house at Runcorn |
Albert Evacuated | SH | Have you heard how young Albert Ramsbottom |
Queen Matilda | ME | Henry the first, surnamed 'Beauclare' |
Henry the Seventh | ME | Henry the Seventh of England |
Yorkshire Pudden | RW&BL | Hi waitress, excuse me a minute, now listen |
Canute the Great | ME | I'll tell of Canute, King of England |
The Fair Rosamond (The Fair Rosamund) | ME | I'll tell of King 'Enry the Second |
1066 (The Battle of Hastings) | ME | I'll tell of the Battle of Hastings |
The Magna Charter | ME | I'll tell of the Magna Charter |
Gunner Joe | ME | I'll tell you a seafaring story |
Three Ha'pence a Foot | ME | I'll tell you an old-fashioned story |
Balbus (The Great Wall of China) | ME | I'll tell you the story of Balbus |
Jonah and the Grampus (Jonah and the Whale) | ME | I'll tell you the story of Jonah |
George and the Dragon | ME | I'll tell you the tale of an old country pub |
Beat the Retreat On Thy Drum (Sam, Sam, Beat the Retreat) | SH | I'm hundred and two today' bagoom! |
Sweeney Todd, the Barber | RW&BL | In Fleet Street that's in London Town |
The Parson of Puddle | GN | In the clean little, green little |
With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm | RW&BL | In the Tower of London, large as life |
Old Sam (Sam, Pick Oop Tha' Musket) | SH | It occurred on the evening before Waterloo |
Old Sam's Christmas Pudding (Sam's Christmas Pudding) | ME | It was Christmas Day in the trenches |
The Burghers of Calais | ME | It were after the Battle of Crecy |
Goalkeeper Joe | ME | Joe Dunn were a bobby for football |
Joe Ramsbottom | ME | Joe Ramsbottom rented a bit of a farm |
Asparagus | ME | Mr Ramsbottom went to the races |
One Each Apiece All Round | SH | No. 2468 |
The Beefeater | RW&BL | Oh dear, starting another day I suppose |
Alt! Who Goes There? | SH | Old Sam first came to London |
The Jubilee Sov'rin | ME | On Jubilee Day the Ramsbottoms |
The Runcorn Ferry (Tuppence per person per trip) | ME | On the banks of the Mersey, over on Cheshire side |
Albert and the 'Eadsman | ME | On young Albert Ramsbottom's birthday |
Albert and His Savings | ME | One day, little Albert Ramsbottom |
The 'Ole in the Ark | ME | One evening at dusk as Noah stood on his Ark |
Brahn Boots | RW&BL | Our Aunt Hannah's passed away |
Richard Coeur-de-Lion | ME | Richard the fiirst, Coeur-de-Lion |
Sam Goes To It | ME | Sam Small had retired from the Army |
Sam's Sturgeon | AS | Sam Small were fishing in canal |
Old Sam's Party | MC | Sam Small, though approaching his eightieth year |
St. George and the Dragon | RW&BL | Some folks'll boast about their family trees |
The Recumbent Posture | ME | The day after Christmas, Young Albert |
William Rufus | ME | The reign of King William the Second |
The Lion and Albert (Albert and the Lion) | ME | There's a famous seaside place called Blackpool |
Up'ards (Lancashire version of Longfellow's "Excelsior") | ME | Twere getting dusk |
Sam Drummed Out | RW&BL | When a lad's been drummed out or the Army |
Little Aggie (An Elephant Never Forgets) | ME | When Joe Dove took his elephants out on the road |
Marksman Sam | ME | When Sam Small joined the regiment |
Sam's Racehorse | ME | When Sam Small retired from the Army |
The Channel Swimmer | ME | Would you hear a wild tale of adventure |
Sam's medal | MC&MH | You've 'eard of Samuel Small, per'aps |
The Return of Albert (Albert Comes Back / Albert's Return) | ME | You've 'eard 'ow young Albert Ramsbottom |
Albert's Reunion | SH | You've heard of Albert Ramsbottom |
Dedicated to my father, who died a few months after these pages were added to this website.
Most of the accompanying illustrations were scanned from his books, which will be forever treasured, along with the fond memories of him reciting the poems after tea on Sunday afternoons.
Thanks Dad.