Whilst this site leans more toward Christianity than other religions, we do include several references to Buddhism, since there are many similarities.
This page does no more than link and cross-reference to other pages on the site that refer to the Christian use of similar symbols and rituals.
Buddhists don't pray to the Creator, but they do have devotional meditation practices which could be compared to praying. And they are not averse to concluding their devotions by saying Amen.
Dharma is the conformity to the laws and teachings of the Buddha. It rotates, as does the Suavastika, sometimes mis-named the 'Buddhist Cross' (see Dharma and Cross).
As with adherents of perhaps most religions, Buddhists place candles in front of images to represent the light of the Buddha's teachings.
The halo is also a common Buddhist symbol, as seen in this painting by Masayuki Kondo.
The Mokugyo is a wooden carving of a fish, which symbolizes well-being, happiness and freedom. It is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols used in Buddhism.
The Tomoe is a symbol of three commas or teardrops, chasing one another round a circle, and used by Buddhists in meditation.
The Lotus has a beautiful contemplative shape and is used in many religions, including Buddhism.
Some lists of Buddhist symbols often include the Yin‑Yang, but this is normally associated with Daoism rather than Buddhism.