Swedish Wedding Vows

Here are three sets of wedding vows in Swedish, as used by the Swedish Church, and an English translation.

Option 1

  • Vows from the groom to the bride:


    Inför Gud och denna församlings (dessa vittnens) närvaro frågar jag dig, (groom's name): Vill du ta (bride's name) till din hustru och älska henne i nöd och lust?
    Before Almighty God and this assembly (these witnesses) in attendance, I ask (groom's name): Will you take (bride's name) to be your wife and love her in distress and pleasure?


  • Vows from the bride to the groom:


    Inför Gud och denna församlings (dessa vittnens) närvaro frågar jag dig, (bride's name): Vill du ta (groom's name) till din man och älska honom i nöd och lust?
    Before Almighty God and this assembly (these witnesses) in attendance, I ask (bride's name): Will you take (groom's name) to be your husband and love him in distress and pleasure?



Option 2

  • Each line spoken by the minister and repeated by the groom:
    Jag, (groom's name),
    tar dig, (bride's name),
    nu till min hustru,
    att dela glädje och sorg med dig,
    och vara dig trogen,
    tills döden skiljer oss åt.
    I, (groom's name),
    take you, (bride's name),
    to be my wife,
    to share with me through both joyful and sorrowful times,
    and devote myself to you,
    until we are parted in death.
  • Each line spoken by the minister and repeated by the bride:
    Jag, (bride's name),
    tar dig, (groom's name),
    nu till min man,
    att dela glädje och sorg med dig,
    och vara dig trogen,
    tills döden skiljer oss åt.
    I, (bride's name),
    take you, (groom's name),
    to be my husband,
    to share with me through both joyful and sorrowful times,
    and devote myself to you,
    until we are parted in death.

Option 3

  • Each line spoken by the minister and repeated by the groom:
    (bride's name), jag vill älska dig,
    dela glädje och sorg med dig,
    och vara dig trogen,
    tills döden skiljer oss åt.
    (bride's name), I will love you,
    and share with you through both joyful and sorrowful times,
    and devote myself to you,
    until we are parted in death.
  • Each line spoken by the minister and repeated by the bride:
    (groom's name), jag vill älska dig,
    dela glädje och sorg med dig,
    och vara dig trogen,
    tills döden skiljer oss åt.
    (groom's name), I will love you,
    and share with you through both joyful and sorrowful times,
    and devote myself to you,
    until we are parted in death.

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