Latin Wedding Vows

Old Latin, for some people, gives an air of sophistication and authenticity to proceedings - especially for marriage vows in a wedding ceremony. But be careful not to get carried away.

By far the most important part of a wedding ceremony is the exchange of vows. The wisdom of exchanging vows in a language that your invited witnesses do not comprehend, is something that should be considered very carefully. Latin has no benefit over words that you, your partner, your families and friends, can understand. The sincerity of the vows does not increase with exoticness; quite the opposite.


ideomatic translation

  • Vows from the groom to the bride:


    (groom's name), vis accípere (bride's name), hic præséntem in tuam legítimam uxórem iuxta ritum sanctaæ matris Ecclésiæ?
    (groom's name), do you take (bride's name), here present, for your legal wife according to the rite of our holy mother, the Church?


    I do.
  • Vows from the bride to the groom:


    (bride's name), vis accípere (groom's name). hic præséntern in tuum legítimum marítum iuxta ritum sanctæ matris Ecclésiæ?
    (bride's name), do you take (groom's name), here present, for your legal husband according to the rite of our holy mother, the Church?


    I do.
  • In today's Catholic Church, if Latin vows are used, they are usually followed by standard vows in contemporary English that the congregation can understand.


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