Super number

Numbers can be fascinating.

Some people enjoy searching for some esoteric hidden meaning in numbers. Others just use number for what they were invented for; to count things and calculate things.

Those things may be fascinating, the amount counted may be fascinating, and the calculation method may be fascinating, but for most people, the numbers themselves are nothing more than just numbers.

This page looks briefly at the former, where some people find hidden meaning in the numbers; and one number in particular, 888.

Where the ancient Hebrews used a system called Gematria, the Greeks used a similar system called Isopsephy. To each letter was assigned a number, as shown in the following table. They found this useful for learning arithmetic and geometry.

Today, numerologists discover what they believe to be 'truths' through the use of such tables.

(upper &
lower case)
Value NameTrans-
Α α1Alphaa
Β β2Betab
Γ γ3Gammag
Δ δ4Deltad
Ε ε5Epsilone
Ϝ ϛ6Digamma
(later Sigma)
Ζ ζ7Zetaz
Η η8Etaē
Θ θ9Thetath
Ι ι10Iotai
Κ κ20Kappak
Λ λ30Lambdal
Μ μ40Mum
Ν ν50Nun
Ξ ξ60Xix
Ο ο70Omicrono
Π π80Pip
Ρ ρ100Rhor
Σ σ200Sigmas
Τ τ300Taut
Υ υ400Upsilony
Φ φ500Phiph
Χ χ600Chich
Ψ ψ700Psips
Ω ω800Omegaō
Thus the Greek for Jesus,
transliteration of Iésous
Ἰησοῦς (employing the later
substitute ϛ for digamma)*
gives us: I  Ἰ  10
é η 8
s σ 200
o ο 70
u 400
s ϛ 200

* Numerology often needs
a bit of latitude

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