Hama Yedu Ndiye Jesu
(What a Friend We Have in Jesus)

Shona version

The hymn 'What a Friend We Have In Jesus' has not been restricted to just the English language. Here we show the words translated into Shona.

Shona is a Bantu language and one of the official languages of Zimbabwe. It is spoken by the majority of Zimbabweans plus a significant proportion of their neighbours: Mozambicans, southern Zambians and Batswana.

An excellent introduction to the history of the Shona people can be found at bulawayo1872.com/history/shona.htm.

Sadly, we don't know who wrote the following translation. If you know, please email us so we can update this page.

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Hama Yedu Ndiye Jesu

Hama yedu, ndiye Jesu,
Watakudzwa kuipa;
Tapihwa kuti tiuye
Kwaari nokuteura;
Runyararo hatiwane,
Tinotambudzwa kwazvo,
Nokuti hatitakure
Zvose nomuteuro.

Takanetswa nokuedzwa
Tinotambudzwa here?
Ngatirege kutsutsumwa,
Teura kuna Ishe;
Aripo watendeseka,
SaJesu anetsitsi?
Waziva hwedu utera,
Teura kuM'ponisi.

Tinoremerwa zvikuru,
Zviripo zvinonetsa,
M'ponisi ibako redu,
Kuna iye teura;
Hama dzako dzakuvidza?
Teura kuna Ishe;
Mumaoko wochengetwa,
Uchazorodzwa naye.


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