
Russian Wedding Vows

Here are the traditional зароки венчания (wedding vows) spoken in Russia - not very much different from those of most other languages. We also show an idiomatic English translation.

In protest against Putin's invasion of Ukraine, we've been asked to remove this webpage, but have decided to keep it. This page is seldom opened by Russians, since they look at Russian websites for such information. But whether Russians look at the vows on this website or any other, we pray they'll take to heart the second line; to love and cherish their partner.

This was a most important commandment of Jesus for his followers to love their neighbour. And that clearly doesn't mean bomb their homes, steal their property, and kill thousands. Patriarch Kirill betrayed the Christian faith by describing Putin's actions as "miracle of God”, taking the Russian Orthodox Church back to the darkest of tsarist times.

We pray that followers of Christ will follow Christ's teachings, not Putin's.

(Note: you may need to install the appropriate font or make some settings to your PC to see some of the Cyrillic characters.)

Each line spoken by the priest and repeated by the groom:

жениха: Groom
Взял тебя, (имя невесты), в жены, обещаю любить и беречь тебя, быть верным тебе и не оставлять тебя ни в горести, ни в радости, ни в болезни, ни в здравии, до конца жизни нашей.
I take you, (bride's name), to be my wife,
I promise to love and cherish you,
to be faithful to you and not to leave you in sorrow or in joy,
in sickness or in health,
until the end of our lives.

Each line spoken by the priest and repeated by the bride:

невесты: Bride
Взяла тебя, (имя жениха), в мужья, обещаю любить и беречь тебя, быть верной тебе и не оставлять тебя ни в горести, ни в радости, ни в болезни, ни в здравии, до конца жизни нашей.
I take you, (groom's name), to be my husband,
I promise to love and cherish you,
to be faithful to you and not to leave you in sorrow or in joy,
in sickness or in health,
until the end of our lives.
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