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II Maccabaeorum, chapter 11 in the Vulgate version.
There is no KJV of 2 Maccabees, but it does appear in the Apocrypha, as shown below.
Vulgate1 Sed parvo prorsus post tem pore, Lysias procurator regis et propinquus ac negotiorum praepositus graviter ferens de his, quae acciderant, 2 congregatis octoginta milibus et equitatu universo, veniebat adversus Iudaeos existimans se civitatem quidem Graecis habitaculum facturum; 3 templum vero in pecuniae quaestum sicut cetera delubra gentium habiturum, et per singulos annos venale sacerdotium facturum, 4 nequaquam recogitans Dei potestatem, sed elatus multitudine peditum et milibus equitum et octoginta elephantis. 5 Ingressus autem Iudaeam et appropians Bethsuris, munito quidem praesidio, distanti autem ab Hierosolymis intervallo quinque stadiorum, illud obsidione premebat. 6 Ut autem, qui cum Maccabaeo erant, cognoverunt eum expugnare praesidia, cum fletibus et lacrimis rogabant Dominum, et omnis turba simul, ut bonum angelum mitteret ad salutem Israel. 7 Et ipse primus Maccabaeus, sumptis armis, ceteros adhortatus est simul secum periculum subire et ferre auxilium fratribus suis; simul autem et prompto animo impetum fecerunt. 8 Ilico vero, cum prope Hierosolymam essent, apparuit praecedens eos eques in veste candida armaturam auream vibrans. 9 Tunc omnes simul benedixerunt misericordem Deum et convaluerunt animis non solum homines, sed et bestias ferocissimas et muros ferreos parati penetrare. 10 Praeibant in apparatu de caelo habentes adiutorem, miserante super eos Domino. 11 Leonum autem more impetu irruentes in hostes, prostraverunt ex eis undecim milia peditum et equitum mille sescentos, universos autem in fugam verterunt. 12 Plures autem ex eis vulnerati, nudi evaserunt; sed et ipse Lysias turpiter fugiens evasit. 13 Et, quia non insensatus erat, secum ipse reputans factam erga se deminutionem et intellegens invictos esse Hebraeos, potente Deo auxiliante, misit ad eos 14 suasitque eis se consensurum omnibus, quae iusta sunt, et regem quoque persuasurum, ut necessarium crederet se amicum eis esse. 15 Annuit autem Maccabaeus in omnibus, quae Lysias rogabat, utilitati consulens; quaecumque enim Maccabaeus scriptis tradidit Lysiae de Iudaeis, rex concessit. 16 Nam erant scriptae Iudaeis epistulae a Lysia quidem hunc modum continentes: "Lysias populo Iudaeorum salutem. 17 Ioannes et Abessalom, qui missi fuerant a vobis tradentes responsum rescriptum, postulabant circum ea, quae per illud significabantur. 18 Quaecumque igitur oportebat etiam regi perferri, exposui; et, quae res permittebat, concessit. 19 Si igitur in negotiis benevolentiam conservaveritis, et deinceps bonorum vobis causa esse tentabo. 20 De ceteris autem per singula mandavi et istis et his, qui a me missi sunt, colloqui vobiscum. 21 Bene valete. Anno centesimo quadragesimo octavo, mensis Iovis Corinthii die vicesima et quarta". 22 Regis autem epistula ista continebat: "Rex Antiochus Lysiae fratri salutem. 23 Patre nostro inter deos translato, nos volentes eos, qui sunt in regno nostro, sine tumultu attendere ad rerum suarum curam, 24 audientes Iudaeos non consensisse patri, ut transferrentur ad Graecas institutiones, sed suo ipsorum instituto adhaerentes postulare sibi concedi legitima sua; 25 cupientes igitur hanc quoque gentem extra tumultum esse, iudicamus templum illis restitui remque agi secundum suorum maiorum consuetudinem. 26 Bene igitur feceris, si miseris ad eos et dexteram dederis ut, cognita nostra voluntate, bono animo sint et libenter propriarum rerum instaurationi deserviant". 27 Ad gentem vero regis epistula talis erat: "Rex Antiochus senatui Iudaeorum et ceteris Iudaeis salutem. 28 Si valetis, sic est, ut volumus; sed et ipsi bene valemus. 29 Manifestavit nobis Menelaus velle vos redire et in negotiis propriis versari. 30 His igitur, qui commeant usque ad diem tricesimum mensis Xanthici, erit dextera cum securitate, 31 ut Iudaei utantur cibis et legibus suis sicut et prius, et nemo eorum ullo modo molestiam patietur de his, quae per ignorantiam gesta sunt. 32 Misimus autem et Menelaum, qui vos alloquatur. 33 Valete. Anno centesimo quadragesimo octavo, Xanthici mensis quinta decima die". 34 Miserunt autem etiam Romani epistulam ita se habentem: "Quintus Memmius, Titus Manius, legati Romanorum populo Iudaeorum salutem. 35 De his, quae Lysias cognatus regis concessit vobis, et nos consentimus. 36 De quibus autem ad regem iudicavit referendum, confestim aliquem mittite inter vos conferentes de his, ut proponamus, sicut congruit vobis; nos enim Antiochiam accedimus. 37 Ideoque festinate et mittite aliquos, ut nos quoque sciamus cuius estis voluntatis. 38 Bene valete. Anno centesimo quadragesimo octavo, quinta decima die mensis Xanthici". Source: Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio, Sacrosanti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II, Ratione Habita, Iussu Pauli PP. VI Recognita, Auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II Promulgata, Editio Typica Altera |
Apocrypha1 Not long after the Lysias the kings protector and cousin, who also managed the affairs, took sore displeasure for the things that were done. 2 And when he had gathered about fourscore thousand with all the horsemen, he came against the Jews, thinking to make the city an habitation of the Gentiles, 3 And to make a gain of the temple, as of the other chapels of the heathen, and to set the high priesthood to sale every year: 4 Not at all considering the power of God but puffed up with his ten thousands of footmen, and his thousands of horsemen, and his fourscore elephants. 5 So he came to Judea, and drew near to Bethsura, which was a strong town, but distant from Jerusalem about five furlongs, and he laid sore siege unto it. 6 Now when they that were with Maccabeus heard that he besieged the holds, they and all the people with lamentation and tears besought the Lord that he would send a good angel to deliver Israel. 7 Then Maccabeus himself first of all took weapons, exhorting the other that they would jeopard themselves together with him to help their brethren: so they went forth together with a willing mind. 8 And as they were at Jerusalem, there appeared before them on horseback one in white clothing, shaking his armour of gold. 9 Then they praised the merciful God all together, and took heart, insomuch that they were ready not only to fight with men, but with most cruel beasts, and to pierce through walls of iron. 10 Thus they marched forward in their armour, having an helper from heaven: for the Lord was merciful unto them. 11 And giving a charge upon their enemies like lions, they slew eleven thousand footmen, and sixteen hundred horsemen, and put all the other to flight. 12 Many of them also being wounded escaped naked; and Lysias himself fled away shamefully, and so escaped. 13 Who, as he was a man of understanding, casting with himself what loss he had had, and considering that the Hebrews could not be overcome, because the Almighty God helped them, he sent unto them, 14 And persuaded them to agree to all reasonable conditions, and promised that he would persuade the king that he must needs be a friend unto them. 15 Then Maccabeus consented to all that Lysias desired, being careful of the common good; and whatsoever Maccabeus wrote unto Lysias concerning the Jews, the king granted it. 16 For there were letters written unto the Jews from Lysias to this effect: Lysias unto the people of the Jews sendeth greeting: 17 John and Absolom, who were sent from you, delivered me the petition subscribed, and made request for the performance of the contents thereof. 18 Therefore what things soever were meet to be reported to the king, I have declared them, and he hath granted as much as might be. 19 And if then ye will keep yourselves loyal to the state, hereafter also will I endeavour to be a means of your good. 20 But of the particulars I have given order both to these and the other that came from me, to commune with you. 21 Fare ye well. The hundred and eight and fortieth year, the four and twentieth day of the month Dioscorinthius. 22 Now the kings letter contained these words: King Antiochus unto his brother Lysias sendeth greeting: 23 Since our father is translated unto the gods, our will is, that they that are in our realm live quietly, that every one may attend upon his own affairs. 24 We understand also that the Jews would not consent to our father, for to be brought unto the custom of the Gentiles, but had rather keep their own manner of living: for the which cause they require of us, that we should suffer them to live after their own laws. 25 Wherefore our mind is, that this nation shall be in rest, and we have determined to restore them their temple, that they may live according to the customs of their forefathers. 26 Thou shalt do well therefore to send unto them, and grant them peace, that when they are certified of our mind, they may be of good comfort, and ever go cheerfully about their own affairs. 27 And the letter of the king unto the nation of the Jews was after this manner: King Antiochus sendeth greeting unto the council, and the rest of the Jews: 28 If ye fare well, we have our desire; we are also in good health. 29 Menelaus declared unto us, that your desire was to return home, and to follow your own business: 30 Wherefore they that will depart shall have safe conduct till the thirtieth day of Xanthicus with security. 31 And the Jews shall use their own kind of meats and laws, as before; and none of them any manner of ways shall be molested for things ignorantly done. 32 I have sent also Menelaus, that he may comfort you. 33 Fare ye well. In the hundred forty and eighth year, and the fifteenth day of the month Xanthicus. 34 The Romans also sent unto them a letter containing these words: Quintus Memmius and Titus Manlius, ambassadors of the Romans, send greeting unto the people of the Jews. 35 Whatsoever Lysias the kings cousin hath granted, therewith we also are well pleased. 36 But touching such things as he judged to be referred to the king, after ye have advised thereof, send one forthwith, that we may declare as it is convenient for you: for we are now going to Antioch. 37 Therefore send some with speed, that we may know what is your mind. 38 Farewell. This hundred and eight and fortieth year, the fifteenth day of the month Xanthicus. |
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