How popular is
'What A Friend We Have In Jesus'
in Japan?

This page shows our estimate of just how popular it is.
Not very useful information, we admit. Take a look at our main page for the more interesting facts about the song.
- Marriages:
In 2002, there were 757,331 marriages in Japan.
Source: Summary of Vital Statistics (June 5, 2003), Statistics and Information Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8916
- Wedding ceremonies: In 2002, there were 461,972 Western-style weddings in Japan.
- What a Friend We Have In Jesus:
This hymn was sung at 74.51% of these weddings, that is, 344,215 weddings.
Based on survey of 51 hotels and bridal halls in Japan in 2003.
- Congregation:
Average 76.96 guests per wedding ceremony.
Based on survey of 51 hotels and bridal halls in Japan in 2003.
- so...
344,215 x 67.96 = 23,392,870 (20% of Japan's population) sing this song every year.
which nicely supports the notion that you can find some pretty useless information on the internet.