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The different sexes, however, were not permitted to interchange this salutation one with another. Many other precautions were also used to prevent abuses which might be expected to arise out of this practice. It was for the enemies of Christianity the occasion of abundant reproach; but it was still continued through the eighth and ninth centuries, even to the thirteenth, when it appears to have ceased.
The following passage from the nineteenth canon of the Council of Laodicea is worthy of remark on other accounts, as well as for its prescription concerning this token of christian charity and concord. "After the bishops' sermons (*), let a prayer for the catechumens be first pronounced. When the catechumens have left the church, let the prayer for the penitents (*) be said. After these have received imposition of hands (*), and have retired, let the three prayers of the faithful (*) be offered; the first in silence (*), but the second and third aloud (*) Then let the kiss be given, (*, i.e. the kiss of peace.) When the presbyters have given this kiss to the bishop, let the laity exchange it among themselves. Hereupon let the holy sacrifice be accomplished. But it is permitted to the clergy (*) alone, to approach the altar, and communicate there." All this proceeds upon the system of secret instruction.
The signing of the cross has a higher antiquity. It is spoken of by Basil, Chrysostom, and Augustine, and is distinctly mentioned in the Apostolical Constitutions as a part of the sacramental service.
This superstition is abolished in the Protestant churches.
Lib. viii. c. 13. Hieron. Ep. 28: Cyrill. Hieros. Catech. Mystag. 5. §17.
Hieron. Ep. 28. ad Lucin.: Tertull. De Jejun. c. 13: Augustin. Tract, in Ps. 133: Cotel. Ad Const, apost. 8. c. 13: Chrysost. in Ps. 144. torn. iii. p. 516.
Petr. Müller, De osculo sancto. Jen. 1675. 1701. 4: De osculis Christianorum vet. Dissert, in Tob. Pfanneri Observat. eccles. torn. ii. diss. 3: J. Gottfr. Lange, Voin Friedens-Kuss der alten Christen. Leipz. 1747. 4.
Apost. Const, viii. c. 11: Origen, Comment, in Ep. ad Rom. lib. X. c. 33: Tertull. ad Uxor. lib. ii, c. 4: Clemens. Alex. Paedag. lib. iii. c. 1 1: Athenagorag, Legat. c. 32: Amalarii, De eccl. offic. lib. Hi. c. 37.
De Spir. S. ad Amphil. c. 27.
Demenstr. quod Christiis. sit. Deus, c, 9.
Tract. 118, in Joan.
Lib. viii. c. 12.
(* denotes Greek text in Rev. Lyman Coleman's translation.)
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