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The term Baptism, is derived from the Greek * from which is formed * with its derivations *, baptism. The primary signification of the original is to dip, plunge, immerse; the obvious import of the noun is immersion. For a discussion of this point, more full and satisfactory than our author has given, the reader is referred to an article by Prof. Stuart, in Bib. Repos. April, 1833.
The term *, washing, is used figuratively to denote that purification or sanctification which is implied in the profession of those who are received by baptism into the church of Christ. It is equivalent to the washing of regeneration, and the receiving of the Holy Ghost, Tit. 3:5. This phraseology was familiar to the ancient fathers.
Baptism is also denominated by them the water, – and fountain, from whence, according to Bingham, is derived the English, font – an anointing, a seal, or sign, etc. It is also styled an illuminating or enlightening ordinance, the light of the mind, of the eye, etc., sometimes with reference to that inward illumination and sanctification which was supposed to attend that ordinance, and sometimes, with reference to the instructions by which the candidates for this ordinance were enlightened in a knowledge of the christian religion.
With reference to the secrecy in which, in the early ages of the church, it was administered as a sacred mystery, it was styled * a mystery. A multitude of other names occur in the writings of the fathers, such as grace, pardon, death of sin, philactery, regeneration, adoption, access to God, way of life, eternal life, etc. These terms are more or less defined and explained, in the authorities to whom reference is had in the index.
Ant. van Dale: Historia bapiismoruni, turn jucliacorum, tum christainorum. S. Dissert, super Aristea. Amstelod. 1705. 4. p. 376 seqq.: J. A. Stark's Gescliirhte tier Taufe und der Taufgesinnten. Leipz. 1789. 8: Clir. F. Eisenlohr's historische Bemerkungen liber die Taufe. Tübingen 1804. 8: J. F. Th. Zimmermann Comment, de baptismi origine et necessiludine, nee non de formulis bapt. Goeiting. 181G. 8: Wilh. Scbenck's Taufbuch für cbristliche Religions-Verwandte; oder Unterricht über alle Gegenstande, welche die Taufhandlung sowohl in kircblicher als auch biirgerlicher Hinsict beireffen u. s. w. Weimar 1803. 8. Fr. Brenner's geschichilicbe Darsiellung der Verrichtung der Taufe von Chrisius l)is auf unsere Zeiten. Bamberg 1818. 8.
Clemens Alex. Paedag lib. i. c. 6: Justin Mart. Apol. 1. c. 61: Tertullian De Bap. c. 5, 7, 16.
Cyrill. Hieros. Procatecb. §16: Gregor. Naz. orat. 40. Job. Damasc. De Fide Orth. iv. 19. Optat. Mil. lib.v. p. 80: Justin Mart.Apol. 1. c. 61–67: Tertullian De Bnpt. torn. ii. p. 40–57. ed. Obertb. Advr. Prax. 26: Const. Apost.lib. ii. c. 7. lib. c. 9–11, 16, 17, 18. lib. 7. c. 22. lib. c. 32. Gregor. Naz. * Orat. Cyrill. Hieros. Catech. Mystag. I. et H.
(* denotes Greek text in Rev. Lyman Coleman's translation.)
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