What a Friend We Have in Jesus
(Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus)
German version

Ernst Gebhardt (1832-1899)
'What a Friend We Have In Jesus' has not been restricted to just the English language.
Here we show the hymn translated into German by Ernst Gebhardt, followed by a version in contemporary German by Mr Reinhard Pflüger, which weeds out outdated 19th century expressions. (Mr Pflüger has also written a version in Esperanto).
Finally, we show the hymn to the same melody sung by the Amish.
Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus
by Ernst Gebhardt
Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus,
O, wie hoch ist er erhöht!
Er hat uns mit Gott versöhnet
Und vertritt uns im Gebet.
Wer mag sagen und ermessen,
Wieviel Heil verloren geht,
Wenn wir nicht zu ihm uns wenden
Und ihn suchen im Gebet!
Wenn des Feindes Macht uns drohet
Und manch Sturmwind um uns weht,
Brauchen wir uns nicht zu fürchten,
Stehn wir gläubig im Gebet.
Da erweist sich Jesu Treue,
Wie er uns zur Seite steht,
Als ein mächtiger Erretter,
Der erhört ein ernst Gebet.
Sind mit Sorgen wir beladen,
Sei es frühe oder spät,
Hilft uns sicher unser Jesus,
Fliehn zu ihm wir im Gebet.
Sind von Freunden wir verlassen
Und wir gehen ins Gebet,
O, so ist uns Jesus alles:
König, Priester und Prophet!
Many of the words and phrases of the original version (above) are now a little outdated. Below we show a more contemporary version:
Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus
by Reinhard Pflüger
Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus,
der uns annimmt und versteht!
O, wir dürfen unsre Sünden
vor ihn bringen im Gebet.
Groß sind die vertanen Chancen,
groß das Heil, das uns entgeht,
weil wir nicht all unsren Kummer
vor ihn bringen im Gebet.
In Versuchung und Bedrängnis,
wenn manch Sturm rings um uns weht,
brauchen wir uns nicht zu fürchten:
Bring es Jesus im Gebet.
Da erweist sich seine Treue,
wie er uns zur Seite steht.
Jesus kennt auch die Verzweiflung -
bring sie vor ihn im Gebet.
Wenn wir schwach sind und das Leben
schwere Lasten auf uns lädt,
ist der Heiland unsere Zuflucht.
Bring ihm alles im Gebet.
Werden Freunde dir zu Feinden
und du nimmst es ins Gebet,
wird dir Jesus Schutz und Trost sein,
er, das Heil, das nie vergeht.
About two-thirds of Germans are nominally 'Christian' (Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 4%, others and unaffiliated 28%) and internationally the Lutheran Church is probably the most well known. Another interesting religion to emerge from central Europe has been Anabaptistism.

Amish, as we all (think we) know, live plainly, are pacifists, ride in buggies and separate themselves from modern trappings such as the internet. They’re not keen on Social Security and shun electricity. But far from living in the Dark Ages; they read voraciously and live very enlightened lives.
However, particularly with the Old Order Amish, the lack of electricity means we don't expect Amish bloggers to email us. Consequently it was a delight to hear from Mr Erv Troyer of Indiana, USA, a descendant of one of the first Amish settlers, who kindly sent the following information.
Amish communities attach importance to gathering for worship in people's homes. They speak a German dialect, which is misnamed 'Pennsylvania Dutch', and they use the German language in their Bible and church hymnals. Their hymns were written mostly by early martyrs of the church while they were imprisoned during the 16th century. The singing in their church service is VERY SLOW, somewhat similar to the Gregorian chants practiced by some monasteries in Europe.
However, the young folks in the church will take these same hymns and put a faster melody to the words. They sing these at various gatherings outside the church, such as spelling bees, reunions, or Sunday evening gatherings, and they often take their melody from another well-known hymn, or even a popular song that everyone knows. One of the most memorable songs Mr Troyer learned during his youth was called 'Wo Ist Jesus Mein Verlangen', often sung to the tune of 'What a Friend We Have In Jesus' or 'Precious Memories'.
Wo Ist Jesus Mein Verlangen Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen
Where is Jesus, my desire Where is Jesus, my desire
Further points of interest:
- According to a survey by researchers from Elizabethtown College's Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, the Amish population in the US nearly doubled from 123,000 in 1992, to 227,000 in 2008. The indications are that membership is still increasing.
- For a deeper look into music and singing among the Amish, see the article by Prof. D R Elder of Ohio State University socrates.berkeley.edu/....
- A good general background about the Amish can be seen at mennohof.org.