Barajevo Flag
The cross of the Barajevo Flag is similar in design to the Pheon Cross or Sunburst Cross. It symbolizes both the agricultural output of the region and the rural settlements that surround Barajevo.
Barajevo Flag
The cross in the flag of Barajevo has a Pattée form and is reminiscent of the Pheon Cross or a Sunburst Cross, but it is neither. If anything, the closest design might be the Palm Cross.
Barajevo is an agricultural municipality of Belgrade, Serbia, with a rapidly growing population. Urbanisation is spreading in all directions, and symbolised by the wheat stalks in their emblem, radiating outwards. Wheat, barley, oats and corn are the most common crops grown in the area.
It is presumed that the twelve rays relate to the twelve rural settlements surrounding the Barajevo settlement:
- Arnajevo
- Bacevac
- Beljina
- Bozdarevac
- Guncati
- Lisovic
- Manic
- Meljak
- Rozanci
- Siljakovac
- Veliki Borak
- Vranic
Barajevo is not geographically central to these settlements but does serve as the administrative hub.
If you have photos or more information about Barajevo please email us
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For an excellent site giving more detailed information about Serbian flags, see:, and for flags in general, a very good flag locator is at: