Exorcism Cross
If you believe you are being molested by an evil spirits, you have a choice: buy a so-called Exorcism Cross from the internet, or visit a priest. We strongly recommend you visit a priest.
So-called 'Exorcism Crosses' are widely available on the internet but sadly are unlikely to be any more effective than any of the other so-called miracle crosses.
One of many such crosses peddled over the internet is the Cross of Deliverance, which will "cast out demons", for a donation of $100 "or more". It is claimed to be made of silver, which we know from the movies, is essential for it to be effective.
A cross used by a priest performing an exorcism rite may be cross especially reserved for that purpose (a Reliquary Cross for example). In this situation it might be referred to as an Exorcism Cross but exorcism is significantly more than just waving a cross around, whatever it may be made of, or may contain.
Exorcism is treated with deep scepticism by many churches, including Roman Catholicism, believing it is just an old superstition that has no place in modern society, and that a religion must change with the times or be doomed to extinction. Nevertheless it remains an official Church rite, albeit rarely used, almost invariably in private and not a circus performance for the tabloid press.
A newspaper or magazine article of an exorcism is great for the publisher, and a stage show is even more lucrative for some self-styled pastors. The stage show may be a television 'ministry' or in a revival chapel, and increasingly these days via the internet, where you can buy an online exorcism:
Do you believe you are possessed?
Yes – Send money now to be exorcised by Rev Dr Mgrabit
No – Your denial is evidence of demonic possession. Send money now to be exorcised by Rev Dr Mgrabit
Such pastors happily concede that their education and theological training has been minimal. They claim their authority comes from the Holy Spirit, and this empowers them to advertise themselves as pastors, doctors, apostles, etc.
The practice is worldwide, and particularly a problem when their followers have even less education than the 'pastor'; not only in the US and Europe, but also in African and ASEAN nations. Fortunately, there are mainline churches who are working hard to repair victims who have been both mentally and spiritually abused by charlatans.
Exorcism follows extensive counselling over a period of time. The rite itself is mostly a series of prayers, statements and appeals, where the priest implores God to free the subject from diabolical infestation and also demands, in God's name, that the demon departs from the subject. The rite also includes sprinkling holy water on everyone present, the laying of hands, and making the sign of the cross. A cross, which has been blessed and reserved for the purpose, may be used to touch the subject.
'Exorcism Crosses' sold online and by gothic jewellery traders often contain images of St. Benedict with the accompanying inscription "Begone, Satan!", but this is in relation to telling the devil not to tempt, rather than the expulsion of evil spirits.
Be aware, however, that these trinkets are not merely useless pieces of junk. They are potentially dangerous in that they delay your correct approach to exorcism, which is to contact a well-trained and experienced priest, ordained and authorised by the Church, and introduced to you by your local priest. Have faith in these experts. You put too much at risk by even considering any alternative.
To repeat our message at the top of this page: If you believe you are being molested by an evil spirits, you have a choice: buy a so-called Exorcism Cross from the internet, or visit a priest. We strongly recommend you visit a priest. Any other attempt will not only fail but make matters worse.
Scary story
"Wooaah! What is THAT?" asked Len. "Dunno," replied Fen, his wife, "but it looks kinda scary, dangling down from the ceiling like that. Looks like a really skinny ghost; all thin and white. It could be a piece of string, but I'm not so sure. Do you think it's safe?" "It doesn't look safe" said Len "In fact; I think it could be diabolical. Better get Father Ben to do something about it. Maybe an exorcism or something." And off he went to fetch Father Ben.
"Well bless my soul! That is indeed a mystery." said the priest. "But I doubt it is from the spirit world. I think it is string, as you suggest. But the way it just dangles from the ceiling, motionless, is quite curious and I cannot imagine its meaning. But I wonder; is it really there, or are we seeing a trick of the light and it is just in our minds? This is not a matter of religion and we should consult Professor Penn, the physicist." And so Professor Penn was summoned.
"In my considered opinion," the professor said to Len, Fen and Father Ben, "that is, what we scientists call, a piece of string. Or to be more precise, a vertical piece of string, suspended, by some unknown method, from the elevated plane of this room. But its function evades me. I doubt its existence is a matter for religion or science. Truly a mystery and we should consult Mr Wen, the famous Chinese philosopher." and without delay, Mr Wen was called.
"To wit," said Mr Wen to Len, Fen, Father Ben and Professor Penn, "this is, it." he continued. "It is fit, that you pull, it."
"Pull it?" the others said in disbelief. But being the only practical option there was, Len, Fen, Father Ben, Professor Penn and Mr Wen took hold of the string and all together, after a count of three, they pulled the string.
And the light switched on.
"Many hands make light work." said Mr Wen.
And finally, do you want to see a scary exorcism? Well here it is. This 90-second excorcism video went viral on YouTube a while ago. Enjoy!
😄 One further spooky tale...
It's a rainy, windy night. A man walks home alone, down a dark, deserted street by the local cemetery. As he passes the gates, he hears a THUMP! in the darkness behind him. Stopping, he turns to see a coffin, on its end, thumping from side to side, and bouncing toward him - THUMP, THUMP, THUMP.
Terrified, the man turns and runs into the driving rain. Behind him, the coffin bounces faster - THUMP! THUMPITY, THUMP! He turns the corner onto his street towards his house, the coffin right behind him. He dashes into his house, slams the door shut, but the coffin just smashes its way in and chases the man upstairs. Desperate and scared to death, he bolts into the bathroom and locks the door.
The coffin bangs against the door, once ... twice ... and on the third time, the door explodes as the coffin crashes into the bathroom. Heart pounding and desperate, the man reaches out his hand and grabs everything and anything that he can throw at the coffin. Razor blades, bathroom scales, towels... but the coffin continues banging from side to side, faster and louder. THUMP!!! THUMP!!! THUMP!!!
The man screams and reached for the last item on the shelf; a tiny bottle of cough medicine. Desperate, he throws it at the coffin...
...and the coffin stops!