Church of England Logo

St. George's flag atop St. George's Anglican Church, Beckenham, London
The Church of England (C of E) is the 'mother' church of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Roots of the C of E go back to the 6th century and their banner was traditionally the flag of England; the Cross of St. George.
The C of E owns thousands of church buildings in England and most of these happen to be the oldest buildings in the country, such as the Anglican Church St. George's church, Beckenham, London, shown opn the righ, proudly flying a St. George's flag.
In an attempt to shake the dust off this ancient image, the church adopted contemporary branding in 1996: A simple Christian cross encompassed by overlapping 'c' (for 'Church') and 'e' (for 'England').

This distinctive emblem was selected as being the most effective in communicating the Church's identity.
There's some (presumably unintentional) similarity between the C of E insignia (on the left) and the Crescent Cross (on the right).

And there's nothing wrong with that...
...Christ died for all mankind, whatever their religion.
The term 'Anglican' was chosen as the name of the reformed Church that was opposed to Roman influence. It's an interesting choice because 'Anglican' is a Latin term.