
Braided Cross

Braided Cross for epaulettes
Braided Cross for epaulettes
The Braided Cross is a favourite of knotters and macramists, seen here on a pair of uniform epaulettes, and a braided Latin Cross and Budded Cross below
Braided Cross

Braided Cross

Knot tying is an ancient art which continues to be used by riggers in many professions; by hobbyists challenging themselves to intricate patterns for the sake of it; and for topologists and mathematicians who enjoy the mysteries of knot theory, such as the Gordian knot.

The Braided Cross is of special interest, since it's not tied to anything but itself. And it is this independent feature that makes it a suitable design for a Christian symbol. The Braided Cross reminds us that Jesus Christ is wholly God. Jesus is not somebody who is 'attached' to God; Jesus is God.

The braiding also reminds us that we can, if we decide to, be bound in the love of Jesus. (Check out the numerous YouTube versions of the Gospel song "Wrapped up, Tied up, Tangled all up in Jesus.") And we should, of course, similarly bind others in that same love.

People worship Jesus in different ways but like the strands bound together in the Braided Cross, we are all in the same family (Eph. 2:21).

See also:

Fear not


A piece of string is walking down the street. (Yes, a piece of string). It's tired and thirsty, so starts looking for a pub. Eventually, he finds one, but just above the door he sees a sign: "String. No Service."

So he keeps going. He turns down a different street and finds another pub. Same thing. "String. No Service."

In fact every pub he finds has this prohibitive sign above the door, and the string decides it's time for desperate measures. So he pulls apart his threads, ties himself into a big knot, and rolls into the pub. "A pint of your finest ale!" he demands.

The publican leans over to him and asks "Are you a piece of string?" to which the string replies "No, I'm a frayed knot."

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