
Author guide

Publication Guidelines and Rules

The following apply to new articles or modification to existing articles submitted for inclusion on webpages.
  1. Topics: Any topic will be considered but new articles should blend in with the existing articles on this site. This site is non-commercial therefore articles that are 'advertisements in disguise' will not be accepted.
  2. Titles and overview: A title and sub-headings should be provided, ideally no more than five words. A short overview should also be provided, ideally 10-30 words.
  3. Copyright and references: Submissions are accepted only from the original author or someone commissioned by the copyright owner to submit material here. By submitting material, you acknowledge that you are legally entitled to distribute the work. If you are submitting copies of text or images, copyright permissions and source references must be included.
  4. Author name: When submitting an article, please make clear whether you want your article to be published anonymously, or with your name, or with a pen name. For your protection, we recommend that your email address or any other contact information is not published with your article. For our own information, please include a brief introduction of yourself and the URL of your website if you have one.
  5. Format: If your article is short, it should be pasted directly into the body of your email. Longer articles can be submitted in any of the usual formats (for example, .txt .doc .pdf) and may be compressed as a .zip file.
  6. Article submission: Email your article. The webmaster will acknowledge receipt, normally on the same day. If you use a spam filter, ensure emails from will be accepted. (If you do not receive a confirmation email then it may have been blocked by your ISP's antispam software. Check for the confirmation email in your deleted email folder or spam email folder.)
  7. Article approval: Inclusion of your article will be at the discretion of the editor, Paul Harding. His job is to make sure that articles are written fairly. See The Right Way to Write.
  8. Article modification: If an article is accepted for publication we may edit your article. Any editing will typically be to correct spelling or grammatical errors, or to make the register and style similar to existing articles. Effort will be made to retain the original message of your article. If significant editing is done, a draft will be sent to you for approval before it is published. However, reserves the right to modify your article at any time in the future without consultation. (Typically this will be to rectify errors that are noticed at a later date.) Similarly, you may submit modifications to your article at any time.
  9. Article Removal: reserves the right to remove an article at any time. Similarly, you may request removal of your article at any time.
  10. Privacy: Any personal information included within an article will be published with that article. It is for the author to decide what, if any, personal identification he/she includes. We will retain the confidentiality of any other personal information we are aware of that is not part of an article, and will not divulge such information to any other party.
  11. Fees: No payment will be made to authors or article contributors.
  12. Agreement: By submitting an article, you are deemed to be in agreement with these rules. reserves the right to modify these rules at any time without notice. Any new or modified rules will be applied to all articles on the website, including those published before the new or modified rules are introduced.
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