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The Celebrant and other ministers take their places at the body.
This anthem, or some other suitable anthem, or a hymn, may be sung or said:
Give rest, O Christ, to your servant(s) with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.
You only are immortal, the creator and maker of mankind; and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and to earth shall we return. For so did you ordain when you created me, saying, "You are dust, and to dust you shall return." All of us go down to the dust; yet even at the grave we make our song:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.
The Celebrant, facing the body, says:
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
The Celebrant, or the Bishop if present, may then bless the People, and a Deacon or other Minister may dismiss them, saying:
Let us go forth in the name of Christ.
Thanks be to God.
As the body is borne from the church, a hymn, or one or more of these anthems may be sung or said:
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death,and giving life to those in the tomb. The Sun of Righteousness is gloriously risen, giving light to those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death. The Lord will guide our feet into the way of peace, having taken away the sin of the world.
Christ will open the kingdom of heaven to all who believe in his Name, saying, Come, O blessed of my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you.
Into paradise may the angels lead you. At your coming may the martyrs receive you, and bring you into the holy city Jerusalem.
Or one of these Canticles:
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