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If the Banns are published, they shall be read on three Sundays or holy days, at Mass, the people being present, and shall be in the following form:
I publish the Banns of Marriage between of ( ) and of ( ). If any of you know just cause, or just impediment, why these two persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it. This is the first (second, or third) time of asking.
If two or more marriages are celebrated at the one service, the scrutiny, the exchange of vows, and the giving and receiving of rings shall be said individually for each couple, and the question Who giveth this Woman, when used, shall likewise be asked individually. The remainder, including the Nuptial Blessing, is said but once, the plural form being used.
The pastor of the proper parish or a duly delegated priest or deacon is to officiate, and the appropriate Canons (CIC 1983) and Diocesan norms are to be followed.
When a Priest cannot officiate, a Deacon who has been duly delegated by the Bishop or Priest may officiate, using the form for the Solemnization apart from Mass.
There shall be at least two witnesses to the marriage.
A hymn, psalm or anthem may be sung, or instrumental music played, as the Man and Woman and their attendants approach the altar or depart therefrom.
If there be a procession to the altar, the ministers, then the Priest, shall be first. Then shall come: either the Man then the Woman, each with attendants; or the Man and the Woman together, with attendants.
The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage may be used with any authorized liturgy for the Holy Eucharist. This service then replaces the Ministry of the Word, and the Eucharist begins with the Offertory.
After the Declaration of Consent, if there is to be a giving in marriage, or persentation, the Celebrant asks,
Who gives (presents) this woman to be married to this man?
Or the following:
Who presents this woman and this man to be married to each other?
To either question, the appropriate answer is, "I do." If more than one person responds, they do so together.
For the Ministry of the Word it is fitting that the man and woman to be married remain where they may conveniently hear the reading of Scripture. They may approach the Altar, either for the exchange of vows or for the Blessing of the Marriage.
It is appropriate that all remain standing until the conclusion of the Collect. Seating may be provided for the wedding party, so that all may be seated for the Lessons and the homily.
The Apostles' Creed may be recited after the Lessons, or after the homily, if there be one.
When desired, some other suitable symbol of the vows may be used in place of the ring.
At the Offertory, it is desirable that the bread and wine be presented to the ministers by the newly married persons. They may then remain before the Lord's Table and receive Holy Communion before other members of the congregation.
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